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Operational Analysis of Clearview and Partridge Apartments

Operational Analysis of Clearview and Partridge Apartments

Keizer Police Department

Synopsis: A multi-faceted POP approach was used to address criminal activity in two separate apartment complexes.


Problematic Behavior Or Activity

Between the years of 2007-2010, the Partridge and Clearview Apartments in Keizer, OR, were experiencing significant gang, violent crime, and livability crime issues. Anecdotal evidence suggested that the problem was out of control and was occurring daily. The problem was assessed in 2013, using the SARA model. Through scanning, we identified recurring problems of concern to the public and the police. These included ongoing livability issues, gang participation/crimes committed on behalf of gangs, and an increase in violent crime. We prioritized the problems and decided they were to decrease overall criminal incidents, decrease need for police presence, increase community involvement, and eliminate the fear of crime.

Impact On The Community

Unsafe living conditions for those living in the Partridge and Clearview Apartments; fear of crime; significant use of police resources.


Program Description

Our strategy had several components: increasing foot patrols and offender home visits, tracking activity within both complexes by all involved parties, identifying suitable crime targets, identifying motivated offenders within both complexes, and identifying repeat offenders that may be attacking different targets. We worked with on-site management (Rushing Real Estate) and encouraged them to call the police about all incidents that occur within the complexes. The Keizer PD Crime Analyst reported to Rushing Real Estate all incidents that occurred at locations to remove problem occupants. We furthermore increased patrols in the area and added complex lighting. We hypothesized that if crime is reduced at Clearview & Partridge Apartments, the community will have less fear of crime and Keizer Police can deploy resources as needed throughout the entire community.

Based On Research

We utilized CPTED and considered the electronic access to parking lots, security patrol, gatekeepers, and complex-wide CCTV cameras.


No additional funding required.


Program Impact

Criminal activity decreased in the Partridge Apartments from 292 incidents in 2010 to 109 in 2014. It decreased in the Clearview Apartments from 217 in 2010 to 151 in 2014. In 2015, as of October 6th, 55 incidents occurred in Partridge and 36 in Clearview.

Critical Success Factors

Landlord training, CPTED, and coordination with Rushing Real Estate.

Lessons Learned

Utilizing the SARA model helped the department define the problem and respond accordingly. Analyzing and reviewing the data helped the department convince others of the problem. Working with other members of the community was critical.